Streaming Zip on ASP.NET Core
• CommentsA few weeks ago, I wrote about using PushStreamContent
on ASP.NET to build a zip file on-demand that was totally asynchronous and did not have to buffer any intermeditate files in memory.
Today, let’s take a look at doing the same thing on ASP.NET Core!
Downloading a Simple Stream
First, let’s look at how we can download a single file stream. On ASP.NET Core, we would use FileStreamResult
to download a file to the browser:
private static HttpClient Client { get; } = new HttpClient();
public async Task<FileStreamResult> Get()
var stream = await Client.GetStreamAsync("");
return new FileStreamResult(stream, new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/plain"))
FileDownloadName = ""
There’s a couple of interesting notes here: we pass the MediaTypeHeaderValue
directly to the constructor of the FileStreamResult
, which takes care of setting the Content-Type
header on the response. Also, we set the FileDownloadName
property, which sets the Content-Disposition
header on the response. The “ASP.NET Core way” is more about expressing intent rather than modifying the response directly.
This is a nice approach, because there’s some pretty fancy encoding that needs to take place if these parameters are unusual. For example, if the FileDownloadName
uses non-ASCII characters, then the ASP.NET types will automatically encode it using RFC5987 (specifying filename*
instead of filename
The FileStreamResult
is one of the “file download” results available in ASP.NET Core. There are also some others, which form a hierarchy of result types:
The FileResult
base type has several derived types, each with a different purpose:
sends an on-disk file identified by a physical path.VirtualFileResult
sends a file identified by a virtual path.FileContentResult
sends the file content as an in-memory byte array.FileStreamResult
sends the file content as a stream.
Constructing a Zip File on the Fly
Now, let’s extend this example to have the WebAPI download a single zip file which is constructed on-demand.
None of the available FileResult
types will do just what we want; FileStreamResult
comes closest, but it doesn’t allow us to write part of the stream and then do other work before finishing the stream. What we really need is a “callback” kind of result, just like what PushStreamContent
So, let’s introduce our own FileResult
type, called FileCallbackResult
My original intention of inheriting from FileResult
is that we could take advantage of existing conventions and code. For example, I want to pass the media-type
into the constructor and set FileDownloadName
as a property, just like the other FileResult
However, it turns out that using the same code is a bit more difficult. It turns out that the action result types in ASP.NET Core do not process their results directly; rather, they use “executors”, which form their own similar hierarchy:
Since I want to re-use the implementation of file results as much as possible, I tie into this hierarchy as well with my own FileCallbackResultExecutor
The action results in ASP.NET Core will forward their implementation to their respective “executor” types by using dependency injection. For my simple case, I hard-code the executor:
public class FileCallbackResult : FileResult
private Func<Stream, ActionContext, Task> _callback;
public FileCallbackResult(MediaTypeHeaderValue contentType, Func<Stream, ActionContext, Task> callback)
: base(contentType?.ToString())
if (callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
_callback = callback;
public override Task ExecuteResultAsync(ActionContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
var executor = new FileCallbackResultExecutor(context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>());
return executor.ExecuteAsync(context, this);
private sealed class FileCallbackResultExecutor : FileResultExecutorBase
public FileCallbackResultExecutor(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
: base(CreateLogger<FileCallbackResultExecutor>(loggerFactory))
public Task ExecuteAsync(ActionContext context, FileCallbackResult result)
SetHeadersAndLog(context, result);
return result._callback(context.HttpContext.Response.Body, context);
The FileCallbackResult
collects and verifies all the result options, and the FileCallbackResultExecutor
takes care of actually executing the result. This follows the same pattern as the built-in FileResult
types. If I was to make this into a NuGet package, I’d probably resolve FileCallbackResultExecutor
using dependency injection; but other than that, this is a very reusable solution.
The FileCallbackResultExecutor
is quite simple: it ties into FileResultExecutorBase
, calling SetHeadersAndLog
to set up all the response headers exactly the same way all the other file results do, and then just invokes its callback to write to the output stream.
With our new FileCallbackResult
type, we can (finally) download multiple files and combine them into a single zip file on the fly:
private static HttpClient Client { get; } = new HttpClient();
public IActionResult Get()
var filenamesAndUrls = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "", "" },
{ ".gitignore", "" },
return new FileCallbackResult(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"), async (outputStream, _) =>
using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(new WriteOnlyStreamWrapper(outputStream), ZipArchiveMode.Create))
foreach (var kvp in filenamesAndUrls)
var zipEntry = zipArchive.CreateEntry(kvp.Key);
using (var zipStream = zipEntry.Open())
using (var stream = await Client.GetStreamAsync(kvp.Value))
await stream.CopyToAsync(zipStream);
FileDownloadName = ""
(The WriteOnlyStreamWrapper
is from here)
Note that since we want our .NET Core app to run anywhere, we don’t take a dependency on DotNetZip
(which as of this writing requires the full .NET framework); rather, we use the built-in ZipArchive
. Since the .NET Core version has the same bug regarding output streams, we have to use a stream wrapper just like we did last week.
Our action now returns a FileCallbackResult
, which will be evaluated by ASP.NET Core after our action returns. When it’s evaluated, it forwards to a FileCallbackResultExecutor
, which then invokes the callback given to it by our action.
This solution has all the same advantages of our previous non-Core solution:
- All I/O is asynchronous. At no time are any threads blocked on I/O.
- The zip file is not held in memory. It is streamed directly to the client, compressing on-the-fly.
- For large files, not even a single file is read entirely into memory. Each file is individually compressed on-the-fly.
Drawbacks to FileCallbackResult
One of the major drawbacks to this approach is that I’m depending on some internals of ASP.NET Core. In particular, the whole “executor” thing (specifically, FileResultExecutorBase
) are in an Internals
namespace. This is an indicator that these types would be internal
, but the ASP.NET team thought someone might want to use them (and I’m glad they did!). So they’re technically public
, but with the caveat that they are considered implementation details and not part of a public contract. In other words, they can change without warning.
In my case, I think this is an acceptable tradeoff for FileCallbackResult
, since I want to tie into the existing file result code (FileResultExecutorBase.SetHeadersAndLog
). It would be easier for me to deal with breaking changes when updating rather than to duplicate all that logic and take over full maintenance/bug fixing responsibility for it.
The other major drawback is error handling. Any callback-based approach (such as PushStreamContent
or FileCallbackResult
) will have to deal with the fact that the HTTP response code has already been sent by the time the callback is invoked. So, any exceptions from the callback cannot send a detailed response to the client - they just get a generic “network error”.
also had the caveat that the callback must close the output stream. ASP.NET Core is not as picky about that; if you return from your callback without closing the output stream, ASP.NET Core will close it for you.
A fully-working solution for ASP.NET Core 1.0 is available on GitHub.