Last time we covered the basic cancellation contract. Responding code takes a CancellationToken, which is a way to communicate a cancellation request. Today we’re looking at how to create CancellationTokens and how to request cancellation.


Some CancellationTokens are provided by a framework or library that you’re using. For example, ASP.NET will provide you a CancellationToken that represents an unexpected client disconnect. As another example, Polly can provide your delegate with a CancellationToken that represents a more generic cancellation (e.g., a timeout policy being triggered).

For other scenarios, you’ll need to provide your own CancellationToken. You can use the CancellationToken constructor or CancellationToken.None to create a cancellation token that is either signalled (and always signalled) or unsignalled (and never signalled).

But in the general case, when you want to create a CancellationToken that can be cancelled later, then you’ll need to use CancellationTokenSource.

Each CancellationTokenSource controls its own set of CancellationTokens. Each CancellationToken created from a CancellationTokenSource is just a small struct that refers back to its CancellationTokenSource. A CancellationToken can only respond to cancellation requests; the CancellationTokenSource is necessary to request cancellation. So the requesting code creates the CancellationTokenSource and keeps a reference to it (using that reference later to request cancellation), and the responding code just gets a CancellationToken and uses that to respond to the cancellation requests.


One common need for cancellation is implementing a timeout. The solution is to have a timer that requests cancellation when it expires. This is actually common enough that CancellationTokenSource has this behavior built-in. You can either use the CancellationTokenSource constructor that takes a delay, or call CancelAfter on an existing CancellationTokenSource.

For example, if you want to apply a timeout to a code scope:

async Task DoSomethingWithTimeoutAsync()
    // Create a CTS that cancels after 5 minutes.
    using CancellationTokenSource cts = new(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

    // Pass the token for that CTS to lower-level code.
    await DoSomethingAsync(cts.Token);

    // At the end of this method, the CTS is disposed.
    // All of its tokens should not be used after this point.

Manual Cancellation

For more general cancellation needs, create a CancellationTokenSource, and at some point in the future call its Cancel method to manually request cancellation.

One example is a GUI application with an actual “Cancel” button:

private CancellationTokenSource? _cts;

async void StartButton_Click(..)
    // Create a CTS for manual cancellation requests.
    using var cts = _cts = new();

        // Pass the token for that CTS to lower-level code.
        await DoSomethingAsync(_cts.Token);
    catch (Exception ex)
        .. // Display error in UI.

async void CancelButton_Click(..)
    // Manually cancel the CTS.

The code above shows the basic idea, but has some serious problems that you wouldn’t want to have in production. For one thing, the cancel button can be clicked when _cts is null, causing a NullReferenceException. Also, the start button handler will blindly overwrite any _cts value, ignoring any existing ongoing operation.

The proper resolution of these issues depends on your desired user experience and nature of the operation. Just to make this example more complete and production-ready, let’s implement the following:

  • Either the start or cancel buttons should be enabled at any time, never both.
  • If the operation completes on its own, the start button should be enabled and the cancel button disabled.
  • If the operation is cancelled, the start button should remain disabled until the operation completes (either successfully or with an OperationCanceledException).
  • After the operation is cancelled, the cancel button remains enabled but becomes a noop.

These requirements result in this kind of code:

Constructor() => CancelButton.Enabled = false;

private CancellationTokenSource? _cts;

async void StartButton_Click(..)
    StartButton.Enabled = false;
    CancelButton.Enabled = true;

    // Create a CTS for manual cancellation requests.
    using var cts = _cts = new();

        // Pass the token for that CTS to lower-level code.
        await DoSomethingAsync(_cts.Token);
        .. // Display success in UI.
    catch (Exception ex)
        .. // Display error in UI.
        StartButton.Enabled = true;
        CancelButton.Enabled = false;

async void CancelButton_Click(..)
    // Manually cancel the CTS.

You may wish to have different requirements. For example:

  • Either the start or cancel buttons should be enabled at any time, never both.
  • If the operation completes on its own, the start button should be enabled and the cancel button disabled.
  • If the operation is cancelled, the start button should remain disabled until the operation completes (either successfully or with an `OperationCanceledException`).

    If one operation is cancelled, the start button should become enabled immediately. Any cancelled operations no longer cause any UI updates.

  • After the operation is cancelled, the cancel button remains enabled but becomes a noop.

Since the new requirements allow the user to start a new operation as soon as the old operation is cancelled (without waiting for the old operation to complete), the “update the UI” code needs to be guarded to ensure only the current operation updates the UI:

Constructor() => CancelButton.Enabled = false;

private CancellationTokenSource? _cts;

async void StartButton_Click(..)
    StartButton.Enabled = false;
    CancelButton.Enabled = true;

    // Create a CTS for manual cancellation requests.
    using var cts = _cts = new();

    // In this method, we can check whether we are the current operation by doing (cts == _cts)
    // This works because _cts changes every time the start button is clicked.

        // Pass the token for that CTS to lower-level code.
        await DoSomethingAsync(_cts.Token);
        if (cts == _cts)
            .. // Display success in UI.
    catch (Exception ex)
        if (cts == _cts)
            .. // Display error in UI.
        StartButton.Enabled = true;
        CancelButton.Enabled = false;

async void CancelButton_Click(..)
    StartButton.Enabled = true;
    CancelButton.Enabled = false;

    // Manually cancel the CTS.

    // Ensure cancelled operations do not update the UI with success/errors
    _cts = null;

There are many other options available, depending on your desired user experience. For example, you might choose to keep the start button enabled and just have it implicitly cancel the previous operation (if any). Whatever you end up with, just be sure to walk through all the possible states of your UI and ensure that your handlers are interacting with your CancellationTokenSource instances appropriately.

Cleaning Up: Cancelling and Disposing

To avoid resource leaks, it’s important to clean up your CancellationTokenSource instances. There are a couple of kinds of resources that are cleaned up: first, the timeout timer (if any) is freed; second, any “listeners” attached to CancellationTokens are freed (we’ll cover “listening” registrations later in this series). This cleanup is done when the CancellationTokenSource is cancelled or when it’s disposed. You can either cancel or dispose, but you should ensure one or the other is done to avoid resource leaks.

The examples in this blog post always dispose the CancelltionTokenSource when the responding code is done executing (and thus the CancellationTokens are no longer used). If the CancellationToken is saved and used later, then you don’t want to dispose the CancellationTokenSource. In that case, you’d want to keep the CancellationTokenSource alive until you are sure that all code is done with its CancellationTokens. This is a more advanced case, and sometimes it’s more convenient to cancel the CancellationTokenSource rather than disposing it.

Warning: Dispose Linked CancellationTokenSources

Calling either Cancel or Dispose will clean up any registrations for this CancellationTokenSource. However, if this CancellationTokenSource is linked to a “parent” CancellationTokenSource, calling Cancel on the “child” CancellationTokenSource will still result in a registration for the “parent” CancellationTokenSource. You can call Dispose (or - more commonly - use a using statement) on the “child” to free the parent’s registration for that child, breaking the link.

This and other topics regarding linked CancellationTokenSources will be covered in a future post.